A Word From Our Pastor

A Word from Our Pastor

Greetings and blessings in Jesus’ name. I am so excited to introduce you to our new church website. It has been a long time coming. I hope you will take time to look through everything and get to know our church better. If you are a guest visiting this site, we want you to know that you are always invited to get to know us and what we have to offer. Our new website will answer most of your questions about our church and what you can expect if you attend. And if you decide to visit us for a morning worship service, you will most certainly experience a sense of welcome from our church family and a greeting from God’s Holy Spirit. Our mission is to create a place of worship and study for the purpose of making disciples who serve as Jesus served.

For our church family, this new website will provide you with information about upcoming events, pictures, archived livestream worship services, and missional opportunities for you to get more involved in service through our church. We hope to launch a new way to give your gifts to the church through electronic giving as well. Later you will be able to share your prayer requests and ask any questions you may have. You will find new and updated information about our church. So, look through our new website. Find opportunities to serve. Connect with other United Methodist Churches through the General Conference website, the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference, and our own North Alabama Conference. Links are there to easily navigate to those sites.

Our website will be regularly updated, so visit often to see what is happening at the place. I hope to see you soon at one of our upcoming services or events.

Peace and grace,
James Haskins

Odenville United Methodist Church located in Odenville Alabama